Creators: Marlene and Emelyn
Middle School Students from CS4ALL NYC @ JHS 217 Robert A. Van Wyck
About this Project:
Mi Mentalidad is a app where you can find different coping mechanisms along with tips and activities when feeling a certain way. There are different sections based off of age groups but they all include the same topics. This app is also free and allows both physical health and diet advice. The age that is required to be able to download this app is 12 and up. More information is presented in our video.
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Great Design
Makes Me Think
Feedback from the Judges:
The video was very unique and creative, I like that this app will be all inclusive to all ages above 12, maybe in the future when you complete this app you can also include a younger age group that can be monitored by the parents. Also I thought it was a nice feature to incorporate videos to help with both physical and mental health. Overall I thought the design process behind this project was great!
Great pitch on a very important topic. It is great that you are looking to keep the app 100% free and that you are thinking about segmenting resources based on age. Your video pitch was awesome, and including physical and nutritional health resources, really shows your understanding of how many differing factors can impact mental well-being. Good job!
Your video was engaging and your project tackles the important issue of mental health. What you've designed is visually pleasing. You may want to think about what differentiates your app from similar ones. I really liked that your app would be available in many languages so that the benefits will reach greater numbers of people!
Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.