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“Know Your Rights!”

Creators: Frank, Taylah, Javier, Isaiah, and Moise
High School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) at P77K
Know your rights

About this Project:

Know Your Rights! is an app that is designed to help people know your rights anywhere, anytime.

Our students came up with this idea after considering the ongoing problems they see in society for people of color and people with disabilities. They thought if people had access to know their rights in any situation, it might help them become a stronger self-advocate and upstander for those around them.

Know Your Rights! uses location services to identify possible situations you are in and gives you your legal rights for that scenario. For example, if you are at the airport, shopping in Target, or at a baseball game, Know Your Rights! will automatically give you your list of rights for that situation.

Additionally, it has a search feature where you can search for specific rights in a situation. For example, if you are interviewing for a job and have a disability you might search "workers rights for people with disabilities" and Know Your Rights! will explain all the rights you have.

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Note: Students from this school are all students with moderate to significant disabilities.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Adjunct Professor, Computer Science and Information Systems at University of the Potomac — Emoti-Con Judge
The application will allow people to know their rights and how to assert them. I would like to see a part of the app that warns the user about the possible repercussions of exercising your rights and using caution to provide user safety. Something in the role of "Do not hold court on the street" warning.

👏 Manager, Design League & Volunteers at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
Great job Frank, Taylah, Javier, Isaiah, and Moise!

I believe this app can be very helpful to everyone! Knowing your rights is very important and giving the public easy access to that information is valuable. It encourages people to stand up for themselves and others to advocate for change for any minority group anywhere and everywhere. Be a voice for yourself and those who can't!

Love this idea!

👏 Associate Professor at Lehman College / CUNY — Emoti-Con Judge
Great concept and I think it may help to look at TurnSignl, which was created to de-escalate bad police behavior towards minorities by bringing up live lawyer on your phone when you are stopped by the police. https://www.turnsignl.com Your app is different in that you are providing rights knowledge to people in any location, not only when police are involved.

Feedback from the Community:

Vanessa 👏 a High School Student
This is cool.
This is a super because what if someone is in a situation and they don't know how to defend themselves. This is like protection to people who try to take advantage of others. :) 👏 a Middle School Student from MS217Q
You did great !!!!
👏 a High School Student
I thought this was really good. I like the idea of the app, being more of a helping hand for not just the person using the app if they're also struggling with these issues that come towards minorities but people around them that are struggling with the same problems in society right now. I also really enjoyed the video that showed all the aspects and features of the app,

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.