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“ISF - Invasive Species Finder App”

Creators: Damaris, Kameryn, and Judah
High School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) @ High School for Environmental Studies
ISF Invasive Species Finder App

About this Project:

Invasive species being displaced in areas where they don't belong is one of Earth's most prominent issues.

Invasive species lower biodiversity because they lack natural predators and outcompete native species.

Our app assists individuals around the world in spotting and identifying invasive species in their area. Users can share their location or search a particular location. The app is meant to locate all reported invasive species nearby or in the searched area. Additionally, users have the opportunity to report invasive species they encounter in their community.

The app is also meant to provide users with the opportunity to read community posts/forums, and/or ask and answer community questions.

Project Media


More About this Project

The image includes the app's log and the names of students who participated in the app design.

The slides are meant to be a brief presentation of an environmental issue and a description of how the app addresses said issue. A link to the app prototype is included within the slides, as well as pasted in the link section.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Senior quality assurance engineer at RedHat — Emoti-Con Judge
Very nice idea and not a very common one . Great work on the brainstorming the UI design. I will definitely use it find out the invasive species near my area . I like specially like the logo and that it has a public forum to discuss issues.

It will be good to gather some information on who are the target audience for this app and how can this app help. Meaning what can be done if you find an invasive species near your area.

👏 Production assistant at Sikelia Production — Emoti-Con Judge
Love this! This is a problem not many people talk about. This app is a wonderfully innovative idea. This seems like something WWF should have done already. I think you can benefit from some more variety of colors, and maybe each page can use a picture of an animal, just to fill up the visuals a bit. But I'm nitpicking because I think this is brilliant.

👏 CEO at Girls Who Hack — Emoti-Con Judge
I love this app idea! The design is well thought out and easy to follow. In the last few years Lanternflys have been everywhere around and I'm surprised how many people still don't know they are an invasive species, so I'm glad your app has all the info they could need. In the future you should add a section on how to properly kill and dispose of invasive species. Maybe even a section for travel so that you can watch out for accidentally carrying seeds or dirt on your shoes, or even bugs in your bag by accident. Other than that great work!

Feedback from the Community:

👏 a High School Student
great app
👏 a High School Student
So cool, great job!!!!
👏 a High School Student from NYC
So well done!!!
👏 a High School Student
👏 a Middle School Student
great idea
👏 a Teacher and/or Educator
This app is so useful and informative! And the design is very user friendly. :) Your idea really makes me want to keep an eye out for these species!
👏 a Middle School Student
Looks great!
👏 a High School Student from NYC
I like the UX design of the app!
👏 a High School Student
the concept is very creative, and provides insight on an important issue that affects ecosystems. Great!
👏 a High School Student from New York, NY
Great app. Love that it has a contact email.

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.