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Creators: Zhyrelle, Latchminie, Briseyda, Bruce, Anuvab, Niam, and Mia
Middle School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT)

About this Project:

The challenge Homesafe fixes is having a safeplace for the LGBTQ+ community and giving knowledge about the community to others. It will give people in the community a safe and fun safeplace they can always go to and chat in.

At first, our design process was supposedly messy and unorganized, the settings was a mess and we didn’t have enough ideas for more pages in the app. We didn’t have a page that you open the app to, we didn’t have customization. It was a rough process while making the project.

Our app would work as how we described how to function it. On the page you open up to, you press either the main page or the settings and the button you press will take you to where you desire to be.

Overall, the process of the project was messy but fin. We got to collab with each other and share ideas and fuse all of our thinking together to create this one app. It was a great journey working together to create this one big piece. It was also surprising how we first did a messy reference of the app and how it will be functioning and design to this cute and neat app.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Head of Trade & Execution Shared Services at RBC Capital Markets — Emoti-Con Judge
An extremely creative app concept! I felt that this application did a fantastic job of designing for the end-user, with a lot of features dedicated to personalization and customization. The presentation slides had a very artistic design and a lot of useful information. It may also be helpful to have some other media such as audio/video or a short demo to help people understand everything that your app is bringing to the table. This app's design choices and proposed implementation left me feeling positive and welcome. Well done!

👏 Engineer Of Things at Power Home Remodeling — Emoti-Con Judge
Great app! I love how you pull all the resources a person may need into one app. I can see how this would be very helpful for the LGBTQ+ community. This app could be made a reality pretty easily as well!
One nice to have would be a resources page with phone numbers for different support groups.
Great Job Team!

👏 Creative Lead Experience Design at Publicis Sapient — Emoti-Con Judge
I enjoyed reviewing Homesafe project and am impressed with the storytelling, overall concept and the amount of work that seems to have gone into this!
Homesafe presentation is well annotated with supporting wireframe/sketches to easily understand the user flow and the key moments in the experience. Homesafe has the core aspects that make for a good product: Homesafe builds community, has educational component, has triggers return to app regularly, crowd-sourcing, reward mechanisms and etc. It attempts to solve for Pain-points in a meaningful way, at a point in someone's life in the LGBTQ community when it they may need it most.

👏 UX Design Manager at Samsung Electronics — Emoti-Con Judge
I love the app idea! I am impressed by the level of detail in your design mockup and your collaborative efforts and encourage you to explore design softwares to bring it to life! I am eager to see more of your progress and look forward to seeing your idea blossom into an actual product that I can download in the app stores. Keep rocking!

Feedback from the Community:

👏 a Middle School Student
This was cool beans
Mickey Mouse 👏 a Middle School Student
This mockup was beautifullly designed. The functions of your app are very well displayed through your mockup. And all of the colors really make it pop.
👏 a Middle School Student
I really was into it and caught my attention
👏 a Middle School Student from Mexico
Aldana 👏 a Middle School Student from Mexico
Nice work
👏 a Middle School Student from Jamaica, NY
-I like the colors/background on this app.
-I also like how the app colors correlates with the topic.
Akash/Sky 👏 a Middle School Student from Ms 358q
The slides are very informative and detailed. (I wished I could have added more compliments like the judges.)
Ronnie 👏 a Middle School Student
7th grader 👏 a Middle School Student from NYC
This is a very comfortable website, I like how the creators made something that you don’t see everyday, it’s very unique!
Jayden 👏 a Middle School Student from I am from queens, Peru, Honduras, and Dominican Republic.
I love how everything is organized and also how it can affect the important of this project
Jayden 👏 a Middle School Student from I am from queens, Peru, Honduras, and Dominican Republic.
I love how everything is organized and also how it can affect the important of this project
Jeder 👏 a Middle School Student from Hello my name is Jeder Jimenez I am from Nicaragua.
I love the idea of ​​the applications. I love their designs and the realism of the model. I hope that soon their real idea can be made to download it and enjoy the application. I loved that they put a lot of effort and I hope to see more of their ideas.
👏 a Middle School Student
ankur 👏 a Middle School Student from new york city
this app is very cool! and i love the act that this app is curated for lgbtq!
keep up the good work

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.