“Helping The Homeless”

About this Project:
We came up with this idea by thinking about what the government should do to help people and the people that are most in need. People that can’t afford to pay for the most important stuff in everyday life, that other people are able to use. It is only fair and kind to help those in need.
Our project developed when we thought about how people can use our app and thinking about how people are interested in helping homeless people. How could people give anything they can afford to give to homeless people, it does not have to cost a lot of money, how can they give what they can afford? And a lot of homeless people could get help with other people donating items or foods to send to the App Store so we can give out to the homeless people in need.
In conclusion, the project shows how people can help homeless people and homeless people can ask for help through one application. We think the app is going to work because some people want to help homeless people but they don't know how to do it so the app is going to help them.
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Community Feedback:
Feedback from the Judges:
Glows: As new immigrants (as described on the website for your school - https://sites.google.com/bronxinternationalhs.com/bxihs), your have demonstrated courage of conviction by engaging in this project. You are just learning English and are using your skills to advocate for those in need. Your team spirit shines through in the video in how you encourage and support each other.
Grows: One recommendation to make your presentation even more powerful, have a teacher help you preview the slides for grammar and spelling, maybe add some talking points on each slide so the presenters can be consistent regardless of who is talking. You might also rehearse your presentation an consider presenting in your home languages as well. Also, in addition to an app, you might consider developing a website as not all housing insecure people have access to phones. A website would allow them to access your application in a library or a social service agency.
Finally ... I LOVE that you are an all-girl team! #girlpower
Well done! You should be so proud of yourselves!
Feedback from the Community:
Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.