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Creators: Chimezirim, Nusrat, and Tabassum
High School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) @ Bronx Health Sciences High School
Hear4 U icon

About this Project:

Hear4U is an app that encourages communication among people and serves as an outlet for everyone regardless of your disability status, but specifically targets the disabled and people who are hard of hearing(deaf people). This app allows you to form relationships and bonds with people who have similar backgrounds to you. This app allows you to communicate with “first aid” mentors who provide quick and efficient help when needed.

This project addresses the importance of communication. During the global pandemic when we all found it through to feel a true sense of connection when everything was done virtually, communicating with the ones we care for was what kept most of us going. However, there were some people who were unable to find that special person that they could communicate with. This is an app that allows you to meet people who may have gone through similar experiences as you and provides an outlet to express your feelings without being constrained. Along with this, although this is an app for all, this app specifically targets the deaf community, hence the name HEAR4U because we are an app that provides aid to deaf people by essentially hearing for them and being hear for them

We came up with this idea because when we were thinking we thought of the disabled people and came up with an idea of creating an app for the people that are having trouble in their life. So we thought that maybe this app would help them to solve their problem. Such as with this app they can communicate among people.

This project works as an app where you can set it in your phone, or even in apple watch to help communicate with others that are disables or anyone.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Technical Trouble Resolution Account Manager at Verizon Telecommunications — Emoti-Con Judge
Well thought out and social appropriate app and has the potential to be a game changer. Keep up the good work.

👏 UX Design Manager at Samsung Electronics — Emoti-Con Judge
This is a phenomenal app idea! It’s an excellent project because it builds empathy between people with disabilities. It has a good social mission that will impact many lives. The app idea you have done for this would also be a great asset to share with people with disabilities around the world and I hope you continue to build on this creative idea. Great job with this all!

👏 Engineer at Engineering — Emoti-Con Judge
Great idea! There are apps to let people meet or go to meetings, but an app that just lets people connect with voice or text (for the deaf community) is a good idea to address the isolation and loneliness felt since March 2020. I like that you saw this need and designed an app to help out! I think that your video description was particularly good and I like the presentation. Great job!

Feedback from the Community:

👏 a Teacher and/or Educator from BHS
This is a great idea with tremendous potential - wonderful work!
Isatou 👏 a Middle School Student
This is amazing I love how they thought about people with disabilities I also think this is great because having a app where u can communicate with people like u is good to understand how they feel about their specific disabilities

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.