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Creators: Lucy, Ani, and Ciyana
Middle School Students from CS4ALL NYC @ JHS 217 Robert A. Van Wyck
Screenshot 2022 05 16 11 07 00 AM

About this Project:

Our project's name is healthiva. The purpose behind creating our app was to bring home and specifically peace as we are recovering from the covid-19 pandemic. At first we discovered many different problems that we would do our best to help with, but this one seemed very important since there are several people who struggled with mental health issues, and for adults so many people lost their jobs. So, when we were sitting there thinking of what we should do, we knew this felt right.
The way our app works is by first you are taken to the homepage. Then there is a search bar where you are given a couple of options like where you can find our available survey or where you can go to subscribe. You will see at the top a few different words and if you click on them it will take you to whatever it says. These include calm music, positive quotes, calming things, etc. Another thing we decided to incorporate into our app is subscription. We do monthly, yearly, and also a bundle where you can get all the advanced features plus a personal coach to help you as well as even more options.
Everyday we think of more and more stuff to add into the design, but this is the central design right now.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Director of Instructional Design, 2U Boot Camps at 2U Inc. — Emoti-Con Judge
Wow. I am SO impressed with the level of detail in your presentation. I really love how you made sure each slide in your Canva slides actually worked like an app so that when I clicked on a button or link, it took me to a new screen just as though I was on a website or app. I also love how you were highlighting the issue of mental health, especially after we all went through the isolation of COVID. It's unfortunately still an issue that not enough people take seriously, even though it's just as important as physical health!

One thing I think could take your app idea to the next level is to think about what could make it stand out from other apps like Calm or Headspace. A next step could be to do look at some of those apps and try to see what they are missing that healthiva could offer! Maybe integrating a chat function with a real therapist? Or virtual group therapy sessions? Just a thought!

👏 Director of Instructional Design at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
Self-soothing tools like the healthiva app are so important for people these days when depression and anxiety have been spiking. I love the entrepreneurial spirit in your presentation, from a pricing plan to a short advertisement for the app! You have clearly thought through how you want to bring this app to people. I really enjoyed seeing the quotes and hearing the music that would help people control their emotions.

I think one opportunity for your team to grow is in the focus of the app. Most of the apps you use didn't start with everything already in place, but instead they focus on a single part of it and they make that one part nearly perfect before moving on. I love all of the ideas you want to include in healthiva, but I don't think there was enough time to perfect all of them before Emoticon. I would love to see what this app would look like after continuing to work on it for a year. Keep up the good work!

👏 Senior UX Designer at Google — Emoti-Con Judge
Awesome work! Clearly a lot of thoughtful consideration went into this presentation. Great visual consistency which is really important in creating a cohesive experience. The app icon logo design is excellent! A place for people to seek inspiration and calm would be very beneficial.

Feedback from the Community:

Evelin C. 👏 a Parent and/or Guardian from Ny
So awesome
Evelin C. 👏 a Parent and/or Guardian from Ny
So awesome

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.