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“Happy Garden”

Creators: Dayana
a Middle School Student from Mouse Design League (DIIT) @ IS 318
Screen Shot 2022 05 16 at 7 14 54 AM

About this Project:

The project helps people identify plants. The project helps people know how to take care of the plants. The project goes the extra mile of linking with your location and weather apps and gives you reminders of when to put the plant out or if you should or should not water them.

The project started because my plant died and I was very sad. I would look things up on how to take care of plants but it seemed like it was missing something. After I got the idea, my teachers and I brainstormed how to make this different than other apps.

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Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Program Manager at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
I love that you created this app to solve a unique problem I hadn't yet realized I have all the time! I think it is super useful to have a resource to identify plants, not only for recreational use, but for medical use in outdoors/camping scenarios. Great job!

👏 Senior UX Designer at ADP — Emoti-Con Judge
I really enjoyed the project thoroughly. I liked how you came up with the idea of knowing how to protect the plant as I have killed the plants in the past which made me sad so I can empathize with you and this app is something I would really like to use to save my plants. Also, I believe this app could be connected to weather forecasting instead of taking a picture of the weather so I felt that was a bit unrealistic but the concept overall was well thought. Although, I am excited to see where this project takes you.

👏 Strategy Manager at Accenture — Emoti-Con Judge
This project was both very innovative and has the potential to make meaningful change throughout the world. I liked how you took a common problem and determined a feasible solution that combines already available information. The use of real-time stimuli (e.g., capturing a photo of the weather) was interesting as well and makes me wonder if there is a way to incorporate AI/AR into the solution. Providing any type of user with a guide to growing a plant / different types of plants could have a substantial impact on the environment. Great work!

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.