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WINNER: Point of View
Creators: Hamida
a High School Student from Thomas A. Edison CTE High School
Screenshot 2022 04 27 6 54 25 PM

About this Project:

Have you ever heard any of these sentences “You can’t like pink! That’s for girls! Omg is he a girl?!” Or how about, “Hey! Girls don’t play with trucks here, you should play with this doll instead.” Or maybe you heard someone say, “Are you seriously crying? Man up!” Maybe you even heard something along the lines of, “Women can’t lead! They should stay in the kitchen where they belong!” All this is not new. Gender stereotypes have been around ever since mankind has been around. My project aims to address and recognize these stereotypes and how they have negatively impacted our lives from early on. I wanted to focus on the younger generations before they get influenced by the gender stereotypes often shown in children’s movies and shows.

My idea is to create a website that allows users to learn and share ideas about gender stereotypes seen in entertainment. Users will be able to publish their own clips and ideas that can be used in children's movies. I came up with this idea because I think it will be easier to change the mindset of younger children rather than older adults. We can change how children view things before they are exposed to them. One of the main factors that influence children’s mindsets is movies and shows. If we create movies and shows that break gender stereotypes, we can open so many youthful minds that won’t be driven by what society expects of them.

Project Media


Once Upon a Time


More About this Project

The video link informs the audience about gender stereotypes and also proposes a way to fight against them.

When you click the second link it takes you to a webpage that presents my ideas.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Computer Science Graduate at Queens College — Emoti-Con Judge
I was very impressed with the graphics and presentation of this project. The whole concept of this project was very well thought out.I love the message that this student is trying to showcase, the only advice I would give this student is when they make this idea come to life (which I highly recommend they do) is to include a navigation bar for the website to make it easier for the user to access each section of the website. Overall love this project!

👏 Education Lead at Wix Tomorrow — Emoti-Con Judge
Wow, what a fantastic project! I was blown away by the creativity in both your idea and how you chose to communicate your idea. The trailer for Frontiers is so well-done, and illustrates the rationale and design behind your idea completely. Your site is also beautifully designed, and I especially loved getting an inside view of your process with your project site. You definitely have an eye for multimedia storytelling!

As for the idea itself, it feels very refreshing to approach the topic of gender stereotypes by asking people to think critically about the media they are watching and submit their ideas on how to change and challenge stereotypes. I'd really love to see how you decide to build out Once Upon a Time. The graphic was a great start, but what's next? (I can't wait to see it!) My only other note is I was a little confused about what "Frontiers" is vs. what "Once Upon a Time" is. Overall, a truly amazing job!

👏 UX Designer | Strategist at IBM — Emoti-Con Judge
WOW! Excellent work, Hamida! I am completely blown away by your project's creativity, message, and delivery! I was impressed by the amount of thought that went into your conception process and your approach to reframing today's culture so the world can become more aware of the impact stereotypical perspectives can have in today's media. Cultivating an environment where we can think about the media we consume and discuss it with our peers is an excellent way to envoke change. I'm excited to see what insights your app will provide. Like the Bechdel test, I can see Frontier's efforts becoming its very own movie rating standard. Keep going, and Great job! 🎥🍿💡⚡️

Feedback from the Community:

👏 a High School Student
This idea was very creative and was presented with beautiful graphics.
student 👏 a High School Student
This was very informative and pleasing to look at.
DJ 👏 a High School Student from NYC
Lovely layout. Creative topic!
max 👏 a High School Student
the amount of effort that was put into this project is very visible, it's entertaining and doesn't bore the audience
👏 a High School Student
The idea for this was very unique and I love the website. Much effort was put into this. Displays knowledge about coding and web development
👏 a Teacher and/or Educator
This is an amazing concept and having this much skill at such a young age is truly remarkable. The website is very eyecatching

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.