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“Food Rush”

Creators: Chamiya, Jibola, Nicholas, Ntombi, and Tayvon
High School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) @ It Takes A Village Academy
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About this Project:

To promote healthy eating. We thought about us and how at a young age you are not taught how to eat healthy.
First, the idea of the apps is for our team to give people ideas for healthy eating. Most people just like to eat junk food. They really don't care what the junk food does to their body. We would like to change that and show students that healthy food will improve health outcomes. It was important for our group to design an app that would show the benefits of eating healthy in a fun way. We wanted to gamify it.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 CEO at Girls Who Hack — Emoti-Con Judge
Your project made me think of a documentary I watched recently on the fast food industry and how they develop ads disguised as mini games that they then put in children's games. Even I remember having some mobile games a few years back that had those kinds of ads as well. Most of these ad games include your character collecting cookies or fast food. That’s why I just love your idea of making a game that is both fun and that promotes healthy eating. I especially love the slogan at the end of your presentation. Given the way this app is formatted, I could easily see it being on the top app charts one day! Keep up the great work!

👏 Principal Consultant at The Group Forward — Emoti-Con Judge
I love the idea of gamifying healthy eating—it's such a powerful way to change behavior and push for positive change. I also think it's powerful that you identified the benefit of starting with youth, as instituting healthy habits at a young age has lasting impact.

I'd love to understand the elements of the game. How do people play it? How does it teach them healthy habits? This is a very cool concept!

👏 Director of Instructional Design at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
This project really resonated with me! As a little kid I was always getting fast food because it was cheap and easily accessible. Because of that I developed bad eating habits that I am trying to break as an adult. I love the idea of engaging kids with a game that helps to teach them healthy eating habits because when we enjoy something we are likely to stick with it. I would love to see the next iteration of Food Rush include some immediate actions users could take to make food healthier or provide them with healthy recipes upon reaching certain scores. This could game-ify it even more by making the recipes collectible badges. This was wonderful, and I am glad I got the chance to see it!

Feedback from the Community:

👏 a Middle School Student
I really liked how you made the app from personal knowledge and that, but next time maybe try to add maybe a food tracker and see how well are you doing on a diet or something.

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.