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WINNER: Most Social Impact
Creators: Tina (Xin Jie)
High School Students from New-York Historical Society
E Aquitas Site

About this Project:

EAquitas is centered around the issue of school funding in NYC public schools—specifically the inequities that persist in the current funding formula, Fair Student Funding. EAquitas is the action piece of my Participatory Action Research project; it simultaneously collects more qualitative data from those with relevant experience with NYC schools when they take the survey on EAquitas. My hope is through Emoticon-NYC, I can reach a wider audience with this issue! I believe we must better understand how funding in schools work so we can demand what we deserve as students and educators.

The design process for EAquitas as a website was straightforward: it required the components of a thorough research, albeit the content is not as comprehensive as it can be for accessibility, and of a advocacy website, including the mission statement and advocate page. As far as the technical design goes, I created the project name and logo based on our core value, equity—EAquitas, Education Advocacy for Equity; the logo depicts people being uplifted and leveled by hands as the scale of justice. Color choice was more arbitrary, but I imagined EAquitas in purple and teal. Throughout the web-building process, I had to settle for less than my original vision: I could not create an animated scroll scalable vector graphic to walk through my research, because at my level of web design, it was not feasible within the deadline of Emoticon; likewise, I did not have time to learn php to create a contact page. Other changes to my original design included an interview archive in lieu of a dropdown submenu, as suggested by my mentor.

After Emoticon-NYC, I plan to further my research and expand my web design skills.

Project Media


E Aquitas Research Menu



More About this Project

The first link will lead you to EAquitas the site! The second link is the EAquitas survey on student, educator, and parent's experiences with school funding--please take it if you have time to spare! Thank you!

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Computer Science Graduate at Queens College — Emoti-Con Judge
This student demonstrated a website that include a very impactful message and can be a useful tool in this world. This website idea included supported research, a code snippet and a very impressive logo idea. This student should continue to pursue this idea because its a great one!

👏 Director of Learning at Killer Snails — Emoti-Con Judge
This is incredible work. Not only is the content important and does a great job tackling a complex topic, the website, slides, design of the logo, and closed-captioned video (!!!) show incredible attention to detail. There are just so many beautifully-executed elements to this project. The website is well-organized and pulls together information from different sources about a complex system to rapidly bring readers up to speed. I was especially impressed with he interview section. The survey to learn more from stakeholders is a great idea, I hope you get many useful responses from Emoticon. One thing that could be useful in the 'Advocate!' page is listing dates for when the panel meets, or when commenting sections take place. Are there existing resources where people could look up how this policy affects their school? Are there examples of advocacy work that have been covered in the news that other people could take inspiration from? From the research into the topic to the execution of the technical details, I applaud this creator!

👏 Director of Instructional Design at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
I love this topic! Having worked with many teachers and students across NYC schools, I know how meaningful the work you are doing is! I really liked the way that you paired the importance of the topic with a very clean, well-designed, and aesthetically aligned website. In future iterations of this project I would try to add some photos to grab users attention. These could include comparisons of schools with different funding levels to illustrate the need for equitable funding.

This website does a great job of informing users about inequity in schools. If you wanted to take this project one step further, you could add a page to the website to provide visitors with easy action steps for creating change, such as sending emails to representatives or printing fliers that they could distribute to others.

Overall, this was a really well done project with the potential to change the world!

👏 Teaching Artist at Pockets Change — Emoti-Con Judge
I love this; "We can take back our power when we are educated and active in these discussions." YES! The research that went into creating this site is extensive and well organized. I really appreciate having the interviews and am curious, do you plan to interview more people on these important subjects? This kind of content is so helpful when creating change. This site is an incredible resource and I believe has the capacity to be a great service for creating more equitable education. The website design is smooth, easy to navigate, well organized, and easy to both read and navigate. I agree with Will that it could be impactful to add a few photo images along with a page for action steps. It might be helpful to have different action steps for different groups, for example students, parents, teachers, community members. Or possibly a letter to local representatives that allows for a place to select student, teacher etc...... Great work and I hope you can see the fruits of this labor in creating actual change.

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.