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Finalist: Most Innovative
Creators: Donnovin, Jhaire, Kiana, Ammy, Jerlyn, Jay, and Leah
Middle School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) @ PS/MS 161
Screen Shot 2022 05 16 at 12 26 18 PM

About this Project:

Our app gives the users live counseling in case the users need someone to talk with, emergency button to notify the nearest adults, de-escalation steps to help the students calm down independently before needing the adults’ help.

First, the team came up with a list of problems we see around us. We decided to focus on school violence. Then, we interviewed different staff members to see a pattern of the interviewees talking about the prevention over the solutions. We used the idea “de-escalation” to teach the students to find ways to keep calm independently, and/or seek help from the adults.

Our project works by helping students to have self control and be able to calm down during a hard time with their emotions.

On the first page which is the welcome page it is a simple and fun way to create an account and it helps the users to log into their accounts or give them options to log in as a guest.

Once the user logs in, it will bring the user into the navigation page. It helps the user to find different de-escalation steps to help them calm down.

If the user logs into the live counseling page it will get the users into a live chat with counselors and the users can talk to them about any problems.

When the user clicks on the available teachers tab it tells the users what teachers are available and what teachers are not available to help the students and to give help in person 1 on 1.

If the user clicks the emergency tab it will show staff where any problems or fights are or any conflict are so staff won't have to go looking around for where the problem is at.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Executive Director of Support - ACCESS at NYC Department of Education — Emoti-Con Judge
WELL DONE !!! As a long time educator, I am soooooooo excited about your idea. I love the way it empowers students to advocate for themselves by seeking help. Brilliant in how it identifies available teachers in real time. Teachers will also love the communications / emergency feature. I hope you have a chance to present this to DOE Leaders in the Safety and Information Technology divisions. I think you have something amazing in the making.

You might consider making a brief video to introduce / pitch your idea. The slides and narrative are great but seeing you or at least hearing your voices would make the proposal even more powerful.

Best wishes!

👏 Software Engineer at AWS — Emoti-Con Judge
Good work! This is a really unique idea. It could be intimidating to find help when you need it -- with this app, students would be able to connect with teachers immediately with little effort right from their phones, or know where to find a teacher that is available and ready to help. Have you thought about app security measures? If this had been available when I was in school, I know we would have been abused the emergency reports to avoid taking tests! Great idea including breathing exercises.

👏 Virtual Teacher at Bronx Excellence Charter — Emoti-Con Judge
What an ingenious idea! I am impressed with the work you all put into addressing the various aspects of potential school violence/harm (from student mental health to fighting within the school). As a former classroom teacher, I can see how useful it would be to know which teachers were available in real-time and some students may feel very comfortable reaching out to them. Keep developing this idea, I would love to see it piloted with a cohort of students. Additionally, NXU Education might be an organization to partner with as they do a lot of student social-emotional learning and development.

Feedback from the Community:

Ms G 👏 a Teacher and/or Educator from PS 161
I love the idea of identifying available staff members! It is a great idea! and I love how it will help students to advocate for themselves and take control of their emotions.
Ms Reide 👏 a Teacher and/or Educator from PS/MS161 Teacher
I think this is such a good idea. I think this could be a very successful app! I am so proud that the idea started here at PS/MS161! Congratulations!
emil silfa 👏 a Middle School Student
unknown 👏 a Middle School Student from NYC ( New York City )
I like how you made your project and how you actually made me believe it was a real app! keep doing what you do.
Ahmed 👏 a Middle School Student from P.S 161
Very good features. Bright ideas
👏 a Middle School Student from Middle school student
I like how it really look like a real app keep up the work!
👏 a Middle School Student
i really like the idea that you guys have, instead of interrupting an adult on a the wrong time they have a way to help the student keep calm during hard time.
👏 a Middle School Student
I really like this app, got very great ideas. Creating an app that helps students be safe and calm during school hours.
francis 👏 a Middle School Student
i like this because instead of interupting a class or staff member you can talk t someone who can help you

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.