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Creators: Shamit
a High School Student from Thomas A. Edison Career & Technical High School
Screenshot 2022 05 14 10 26 38 PM

About this Project:

The information my project addresses is COVID - 19 data from a certain date and that date only. It helps provide an insight on how far we’ve come over the time COVID arrived and where we are now. To start off, I started my idea by using something that everyone in the world knows and is actually useful in a way, and that was the pandemic we’re in today.

I then made it where it’s based on a specific date and the user can choose a country to obtain that data. Of course, it is limited to only a specific date but it does play its part in providing the data of COVID-19 in that country and all its appropriate info. My project works by taking data from an altered preset data set of COVID-19 data so it’s based on that specific date.

Then I created a dropdown box with all the countries for the user to interact with and choose a country from that box. Once they’ve picked one, it takes that input and goes through a code to filter out the correct info to present to the user with the COVID-19 data for that country, providing the country’s name, total cases, recovered, and deaths.

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Screenshot 2022 05 15 8 59 50 PM



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Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Sr. Integrated Marketing Manager at Microsoft — Emoti-Con Judge
Shamit, thank you for tackling such a pressing issue. Your presentation does a solid job of detailing the data you want to present regarding COVID cases. Specifically, I like the how straightforward the dropdown functionality is on your page, and the clarity of information you present once your user selects a country. I applaud you on developing code that is accurately pulling from a complex dataset.

👏 Director of Instructional Design, 2U Boot Camps at 2U Inc. — Emoti-Con Judge
Hi Shamit! Im so impressed by your ability to pull real data from a large, complex data set into an app. I love how you are working to cut through a lot of the misinformation about the pandemic to get people the facts. Even though you can only see one piece of information right now, just the size of the numbers speaks volumes about the toll COVID has taken around the world.

As a next step, I'd love to see where else you can go with the data to deepen our understanding of what's happened in the last 3 years. Perhaps comparing one country's data to another. Or being able to look at just one specific date range--for instance, after a holiday like Thanksgiving where people tend to get together in groups.

Great work, you should be really proud!

👏 Software Engineering Tech Lead at Google — Emoti-Con Judge
If I understand correctly, you haven't just designed an app but have built an actual working prototype! If so, that's really amazing. Obviously, showing the data from a single country and date is just a first step, but I'm sure you have in mind lots of ways you could build on that to present the data in different ways. For example, line graphs of the Covid rates in a country or set of countries over time. You could display absolute numbers as well as population-normalized numbers. You could generate scatter plots of Covid rate as a function of a country's wealth or political system.

If you are able to manipulate the data in code, there are many different free libraries out there that you can use to generate stunning visualizations:

Great job on getting this far on your MVP.

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.