
About this Project:
Our app Constellations support physical, mental, & spiritual health. We mainly wanted this app to be directed more towards mental health since it matters a lot to us on how you feel on a daily basis. Take the self-abuse situation as an example. We used that situation as an important guide for us to focus on what our app should be about. This app means a lot to us since it supports different parts of health.
We interviewed our teachers & peers and made something out of their answers. We noticed how people from our school self-abuse and it affected us mentally knowing that people harm theirselves. We wanted to make a change and get our point across..Our design process wasn't easy and straightforward. We first thought of an issue, came up with a solution, made our app & remodeled our app last minute because we wanted our app to express positive vibes to the person.
Our project starts off like any other app but then has its own special personal touches & features for the person to feel safer & spread positive vibes as we stated before.
Sincerely, Constellations Business Team. <3
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Our App project has flowers which has a special meaning! The flowers that we added into our presentation to represent our app means growth & life. Growing as a person & living a healthy blooming life. Our app name, " Constellations" originate from the actual space-themed stars named Constellations. Constellations represent how we are all connected as one person and together. For example when one of my friends are sad, we are all affected. This shows a feeling of together. If you have any more questions on our app, feel free to email us at
"constellationzhem1111@gmail.com" :D
Sincerely, Constellations Business Team. <3
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Community Feedback:
Feedback from the Judges:
The plant activity is great for engagement. The mood meter is a good way to qualitatively and quantitatively measure each person's state of being. I also encourage further gamification of the activities (journaling and vent form) in reaching different levels of success as you did with the plant growing section. The prize tracker is great and maybe you could get some sponsorship from company's would like to contribute! Great tiering for the different membership commitments as well. Stupendous!
I would consider adding other avenues as an outlet (journaling, posting vent comments etc) but overall I can tell a lot of work was put into this project and you should be proud of the result.
Feedback from the Community:
Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.