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“Community Service Social Network”

Creators: Ammar, Ali, Zeyad and Harns
Middle School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) @ Staten Island School of Civic Leadership
Screen Shot 2022 05 16 at 9 25 12 AM

About this Project:

Our app, CSSN, is designed to help young students (K-5) with school work, while keeping older students (6-8) motivated with community service opportunities.

The way we discovered this problem was during our interviews. When interviewing younger students, one difficulty they had was getting help with school work at home. One student said,"My Mom is at work and I need help." Another said, "I have so much homework and get confused." Middle school students were looking for more activities. One student said, "I am used to doing so many things after school, Covid has still closed some of them." They also said they like interacting with younger students. "I like helping others, especially if they aren't my siblings." CSSN gives both groups of students something they were looking for.

CSSN or Community Service Social Networks, is a tutoring app where middle school students can tutor K-5 students.

K-5 students will login when they are having difficulty with homework. They will select the subject they are giving difficulty in. They will then be connected with a middle school student who has scored 3 and 4's in that area for help.

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Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Manager, Design League & Volunteers at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
Awesome job, Ammar, Ali, Zeyad, and Harns!
I definitely love the idea of this app as it helps connect youth/parents that need tutoring with youth volunteers that are willing to help. It is a great place for middle school students to start getting volunteer experience as well. You synthesized your interview responses remarkably!
Some things to think about if you decide to further develop this app, is the tutoring fully online via Zoom or a meeting platform? Or do students have to go to the same school and schedule an after-school tutoring session?
Fantastic job!

👏 Finance & Operations Manager at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
Great job, Ammar, Ali, Zeyad, and Harns!

I liked that you presented a real world problem and came up with a solution that can be helpful! Bravo!
Feedback: How will the tutoring/ homework help be facilitated and how are the tutors screened?

👏 Senior Product Manager at Etsy — Emoti-Con Judge
Great pitch -- I love that the idea came from considering needs on both sides of user base, both the young students who need help and the students who are looking for activities. It can be difficult to get traction with any kind of two sided marketplace, but the ones that do get traction are the ones like, CSSN that really consider the needs of both sides. I'm curious to learn more about what the CSSN experience will be as you think through more aspects of the app. As you work further on CSSN you may want to consider looking at a site like Preply, that connects paid tutors with students that need help, to see how they design the interaction between the two. In a different angle, you might want to look at sites that build up a volunteer community to see how they convey both the fun and the positive impact of volunteering to encourage people to sign up to give their time. Great job!

👏 Director of Learning Design at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
I love how you really used the human centered design process to find your idea by really taking the time to talk to your potential users and find an authentic need to base your design on! That is how great ideas happen. I also loved your slide deck. You did a great job telling the story of why your app is necessary and documenting your process, including the feedback you got from experts! You all have a future in product design! Great work.

Feedback from the Community:

👏 a Middle School Student
i really like the idea.
👏 a Middle School Student
I hope this becomes a real app, it can be useful.

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.