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“Clouded Minds”

Creators: Daniel, Kahlan, Justin, and Immanuel
Middle School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) @ IS 27 Anning S. Prall
Clouded Minds

About this Project:

Our goal at Clouded Minds is to help with sadness and/or loneliness. Students will have the chance to talk to anyone about anything. This allows students to connect with others while finding a way to express themselves in a safe space. If they don't wanna talk they have the option to play a game through our app.

Our app provides a solution for young adults struggling to ask for help because they don't have the confidence to ask an adult. We wanted all young adults to feel comfortable to reach out for any help they may need. Our group has witnessed people in our community struggling with sadness and loneliness and we wanted to help them seek help. This is app has a very personal connection for us.

Our project and design process has evolved from each member working on the project and thinking of how it can be helpful. It is designed to be available to everyone in our community. We used a designing software called Figma to form the wireframing of the app. If the app were to be fully developed it would work like any other app out there.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Country Manager at InsideBoard — Emoti-Con Judge
You have picked an important issue and have made good observations in your pitch about the problem. So this is a good analysis of the issue.

There is a bit of a risk when you pick a big issue like mental health that you cannot really help or not help enough. You have made a smart choice to only provide a subset of all the features you could offer. This is a good idea, it is better to offer some small features in a first version of the app than to get lost with too many screens. Simple designs are usually winners with mobile apps.
I would love to see more design work, in particular when it comes to your user interface. When someone has problems they usually don't have the patience to understand an app, so in your case it is extremely important to have a clean, inviting and simple design. You should do more work to optimize for that.

Overall this is very good work, it is simple, helps with a major issue and is definitely helpful.

👏 Social Media Manager at Self Employed — Emoti-Con Judge
I really enjoyed your video explanation - you were all very personable. Always a plus to use CDC data to back up the fact that these are fundamental and real needs of students in 2022. I like that you had an option to sign up anonymously.

👏 Education Modernization Team Head of Design at Meta — Emoti-Con Judge
As a professional designer, I am impressed by the concept you helped come to life through the naming, branding, and visuals; they all coherently mesh, as “Clouded Minds” is such a clever and heartfelt way to represent the problem of feeling sadness and loneliness. It was also the right decision for your team to prototype in Figma, as that is a software that we designers use across the industry. I would be excited for you all to push the app further, and create all the screens for the different selections, games, and options that users might explore, as well as incorporating a more modern user interface and more visuals into the experience! Great job – keep it going.

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.