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Creators: Zainab, Lucas, Samiul, Jesse, and Ace
High School Students from Mouse Design League (Lab)
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About this Project:

In a time where climate change and environmental issues have taken over, we wanted to address the mental and emotional stress of dealing with global warming.

Known as eco-anxiety, the phenomenon is best described as mental and emotional stress placed on an individual when witnessing lack of change being brought about for the good of the environment.

Our project aims to connect people across the globe with climate anxiety.

It provides a medium other than Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms where users can feel comfortable and safe to interact with each other while also keeping up to date about the measures taken to combat climate change.

Project Media


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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Computer Science Graduate at Queens College — Emoti-Con Judge
This project was well done and can definitely be a successful app especially since global warming has been the topic of discussion and people have come more aware on climate change and how it affects the environment we live in. I really enjoyed the user flow charts and the prototype for the app. In addition, these students included the future outlook for this app which was very well thought out. Great work to everyone who contributed to this project!

👏 Executive Director of Support - ACCESS at NYC Department of Education — Emoti-Con Judge
I've never heard of the term "eco-anxiety" but it makes so much sense! Your project is thoughtful in so many ways. Information is a great antidote to anxiety; as is connections. Your idea to create a virtual space for people to learn and support one another is super smart. The demo is especially well done! You might consider adding a feature for users to link to volunteer opportunities to support the environment. Well done team!

👏 CEO at Girls Who Hack — Emoti-Con Judge
Though the topic of eco-anxiety is relevant, not a lot of people talk about it so this project is super unique! I personally have some friends who keep up with climate news and tend to stress about it so I'm sure they, and other people, would highly appreciate this platform you designed. My favorite part about this app is definitely the fact you have quick and easy access to news and maps on climate change. There is way to much misinformation floating around so that feature helps to clear it up. Great work! Hope to see this in the app store one day!

👏 Head of Transitions at Alliance Global Partners — Emoti-Con Judge
Great job team. Climate change is a huge issue that unfortunately many people ignore in today's society. Not only did you think to bring attention to the issue, but you also thought to go a step forward and create a social media platform as a safe space to talk about the issue at hand. It was honestly a bold choice to go with a social media platform for an issue that does not garner the attention it deserves. However, you guys showed that it could indeed work. Your design process and demo were excellently made. I would love to see where this goes from here.

The only suggestion I would have is to possibly invite a "call to action" type of item and have ways and petitions in which a local person who cares about climate change could get involved in helping or bringing attention to the issue.

Feedback from the Community:

👏 a High School Student
I appreciate how this app addresses climate change and environmental issues with correlation to eco-anxiety so people can connect and interact in a comfortable space! The design of the app helps to engage the user and all components are convenient to access. Amazing work!

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.