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Finalist: Best Pitch
Creators: Jocelyn, Melanie, Jeremiah, and Ivy
Middle School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) @ MS 88
Clickmate Featured Project Image

About this Project:

Staying aware of current events in our rapidly evolving world by knowing which sources of information are reliable and unbiased has always been difficult. But our generation is faced with a new challenge in the era of social media: rampant misinformation and clickbait. Teenagers don’t know who or what to trust, which only leads to ignorance and political disengagement, and even a lack of empathy in real life.

After critically researching the issue and thoroughly interviewing kids our age, we understood that shifting the entire culture of social media was too vast a problem to tackle. So instead, we designed a potential branch of social media, where teens would be able to post, chat, and read a personalized, digestible, unbiased, curated summary of multimedia news. It would be a teen-friendly, inclusive, safe, place to consume, discuss, and debate current events and politics–one free of fake news and hate speech; dedicated to one thing: the truth. We wanted to make a positive change in the way the powerful technology of social media is used.

And thus, ClickMate was born.

Project Media


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More About this Project

Image 1: [From slideshow] Here is an overview of the practical functions of the app!

Image 2: [From link] A sneak-peek of our features wireframed on the professional app-development software Figma!

Image 3: [From slideshow] Our mission statement–why we’re here.

Image 4: A sample of one of our in-depth interviews, as part of empathizing on the path to human-centered design.

Link: This is a link to our wireframed Figma project–where we actually designed the potential features of our app!

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Technical Trouble Resolution Account Manager at Verizon Telecommunications — Emoti-Con Judge
A well deserved pat on the back and a round of applause for these young folk having a greater forethought that far exceeds some adults that I know was amazing to see. Keep up the good work, the concept and the mission of the project would be a welcomed relief and could really change the space for the social community we all live in. Your creative minds along with the great effort and research you put into it was well worth it.

The amount of research and work behind the project far outweighed the design or technical comments that could be made about the project, I understand in the collaborative phase that each person may have worked on something individually and if I was to have one comment that a template may have worked better or having one color theme possibly someone assigned to tie it all in and give it a more uniformed look would give this an atheistically better presentation. The use of imagery, statistics and animated slides was an excellent choice. Well Done.

I look forward to seeing this app in the app stores soon.

👏 Garage Designer at IBM — Emoti-Con Judge
I also wish there was an adult version of this! You did a great job picking an issue that impacts you and learning from your peers. Awesome work staying curious and challenging how we currently interact with the world around us! Interviews are one of my favorite ways to learn about how users approach a topic and, from the images provided, your team picked some thought-provoking and open ended questions that got people sharing relevant information with you. Great work! People spend years honing that skill. From your How Might We questions, to the added features of being able to report someone and a variety of languages and reading levels, the amount of thought you put into the end experience of ClickMate is really impressive!

One thing I'd love to learn more about is what guidelines you'd set in place to make ClickMate teen-friendly? It's not an easy question, but I'd be really curious what comes to mind for your team in how to address it. Keep up the great work!

👏 Senior Manager, Talent & Organization at Accenture — Emoti-Con Judge
Brilliant! THANK YOU for uncovering and taking on such an important mission - providing teens an inclusive, safe place to consume, discuss, and debate current events and politics–one free of fake news and hate speech. CONGRATULATIONS on your successful design thinking process. You have described the target customer (via persona) and her needs clearly. You have compellingly defined the problem space. And you have designed a thoughtful, wonderful solution that is specific to your target customer (teenagers) and is differentiated from the existing news aggregators and social media apps.

Your presentation was excellent! Your description of the problem space was intriguing. You summarized the features/functionality clearly yet simply. You articulated the benefits and value proposition for teenagers in a creative, powerful way. And I appreciated how you acknowledged the “competition” and how ClickMate is different/better.

Important mission. Wonderful presentation. Compelling product. I hope you continue to move forward with your app. Good luck!

Feedback from the Community:

Grace 👏 a Teacher and/or Educator from NYC DOE
This project is really worthwhile and important! I wish there was also an adult version! :D I love that the students thought of a problem that is important to them, did their research on potential users and found a way to brainstorm a really creative solution!
Edoardo 👏 a Middle School Student
An idea for this app is to make it more organized and make everything more matching, but other than that your project is great
Natalie 👏 a Middle School Student from brooklyn
I like these project its amazing it is very useful
Bunny 👏 a Middle School Student from Ms.88
Definitly getting my #1 choice. The presentation was beautiful! Not to mention, it's a REALLY good app idea. You're pitch was amazing!
<3 Bunny
👏 a Middle School Student
aaddxxpptt 👏 a Middle School Student
This is a really good app idea, great pitch and all, definitely one i would use.
👏 a Middle School Student
Fiona <3 👏 a Middle School Student from Ms 88
This is really just the best! So glad you beat us :)
anonymous 👏 a Middle School Student from new york
This app looks like it can really help with this age of social media, it's amazing.
Joel 👏 a Middle School Student from nyc
This is really nice.
👏 a Middle School Student
Anna 👏 a Middle School Student from Ms.88
I like the app idea and it might be really helpful for people.
👏 a Middle School Student
This project is really like the social media apps we have today but taking all the bad parts away like bias and hate speech.
Calliope 👏 a Middle School Student from MS88
I really liked the whole project- the idea, the app, the slides- and I think that this is such a innovative app idea! Great job!
-Calliope <3
That guy from ms88 👏 a Middle School Student
Very well done
Mariam 👏 a Middle School Student from mss88 smart house
I love the presentation and app
Natalie88 👏 a Middle School Student from brooklyn
This was such a brilliant idea, i love the fact that you included the perspectives of teens to get a more accurate view of what to do with your app. 🤍
👏 a Middle School Student
i really like your idea
👏 a Middle School Student
great work!
👏 a Middle School Student
ms88 kid 👏 a Middle School Student
nice work
ms88 kid 👏 a Middle School Student
nice work
👏 a Middle School Student from dw abt it!
this was amazinggg you guys did so goo
Caterina 👏 a Middle School Student
I absolutely love this! It makes keeping up to date so simple and fun. I love the set up, colors, and how it looks in general.👍
👏 a Middle School Student
i like the idea for the app and the presentation is really nice
👏 a Middle School Student
This sounds like a great app the pitch was amazingly done!
👏 a Middle School Student
the presentation of the app on the slides was really impressive
Angelica 👏 a Middle School Student
Great job i loved it !!
👏 a Teacher and/or Educator
well done kids
Omar :p 👏 a Middle School Student
This is really good!!
bobbysmurtha 👏 a Middle School Student
I absolutely love this! It makes keeping up to date so simple and fun. I love the set up, colors, and how it looks in general.👍
Daniel F 👏 a Middle School Student
This is really good
j 👏 a Middle School Student from Brooklyn NY
These slides were amazing! I loved the design and the aesthetic of the slides, and I liked the topic they focused on and how they executed it. Great project!
👏 a Middle School Student
I liked that there was a lot of information.
J 👏 a Middle School Student from Brooklyn NY
Loved the design and aesthetics! I find the features to be helpful to people who struggle with mental health issues like deppresion and anxiety.
Isabel 👏 a Middle School Student
Amazing job!! Spectacular images provided. I really like the thoughts you guys put into this project!
Very well accomplished! ;)
Frankie 👏 a Middle School Student
This is a great idea! Really innovative and your plan was well executed!
i.r 👏 a Middle School Student
I really like this idea its a good idea and i am looking forward to seeing this as an actual app
Charlotte 👏 a Middle School Student from Ms 88
Such a good app idea!!
Md 👏 a Middle School Student
A phenomenal idea with the great amount of research and effort put in!
Dana 👏 a Middle School Student
This is a great app! It's nice and organized. Great job!
Tanmoy 👏 a College Representative

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.