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“City Builder”

Creators: Hudson
a Middle School Student from Games for Change @ Brooklyn College Community Partnership
City Builder title

About this Project:

This is a text based game created for the games for change student challenge under the theme "sustainable cities".

There is an info page within the game that explains more.

Student Creator description:

"I just finished playing No Man’s Sky and built a settlement in that game so it was in my mind when I saw the themes and I picked this. It’s important to inform people about pollution and think about our living situations. "

Project Media

More About this Project

Play the full game here: https://city-builder.glitch.me...

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Instructional technology director at NYCDOE — Emoti-Con Judge
Hudson, I really enjoyed how this game enlightens the user about natural resources and how the choices a leader of a settlement or city anywhere have tough decisions to make. I also like how this game shows the consequences of such decisions will have on economy and sustainability of a community. I would have liked a bit more of a backstory for the game and a more clear reason for why this is so important and what it actually at stake for the settlement. This game was very engaging and I played several times to experience different decisions and their outcomes!

👏 Youth Services Manager at Saint Paul Public Library, George Latimer Central Branch — Emoti-Con Judge
As someone who used to play a lot of text-based adventure games, I really enjoyed the format of your project! I had to play through a few times to make sure I got to all the endings :) It's clear that you have a passion for gaming and game design, and I loved how you used that passion to talk about an important social topic. I would have loved to hear a little more context on how the adventure ties into your theme, and what the ramifications the decisions in your game have for the environment. You start to touch on it when you talk about the coal mining versus nuclear, and when you provide the pollution/gold number at the end, but I think there's some room to go deeper. Maybe the player could go further into the future and see the effects of their decisions reflected in the amount of pollution/ available resources in the future, to give those score numbers some narrative context. There are so many possibilities when it comes to game design, and this creative project shows that you have a lot of great ideas waiting to be coded out!

👏 Senior UX Designer at Google — Emoti-Con Judge
Awesome work, Hudson! You've created something special. The design is beautifully minimal, and the subtle transitions, font choices, and colors make the game still feel very polished and engaging. The writing is very descriptive and poetic. The player is invited to envision the game unfolding using their own imagination.

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.