Creators: Sahil
a Middle School Student from CS4ALL NYC @ JHS 217 Robert A. Van Wyck

About this Project:
Is an app that helps with people who are suffering from depression and anxiety. You could see positive quotes, videos, and memes. If that´s not working then you can a therapist or anybody you want.
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Community Feedback:
Great Design
Makes Me Think
Feedback from the Judges:
Loved the design of the UI and flow of design pages like User has the Option to select between two options Depression and Anxiety.User can login using Google or FB account. I also liked the happy quotes and jokes that this site will show to cheer up the users and also user can connect to other people. It will definitely lift anyone's mood. Would love to know more about this app like what more can it offer from other existing similar apps.
I love that the UI is very clean and clear. It makes so that the user won't get confused with all the choices they have. Being able to choose between Anxiety and Depression and then choosing between Memes or Videos was a great idea. The memes and videos portion can lead into a collaboration with other apps like IG, TikTok, and Twitter. Being able to call someone function was an amazing idea. I'm very interested in how that part of the app will be further developed. One of my favorite parts was the explanation behind the name, I learned something new!
Great work! I love this as an intermediary step between doing nothing and talking to a therapist. Keeping the overall options simple is definitely the way to go and I like how there's a lot of binary (yes/no) questions; it gives the user a feeling of empowerment and adds more customization to their experience.
This project was a lot of fun to judge, you can tell by the colors used and the visual contrast that there were some very creative creators on this project. I would love to see this project in a real world environment. Everyone on this project should give themselves a pat on the back. Congrats and good luck in the contest.
Feedback from the Community:
Emilius 👏 a Middle School Student from Ms217
I really like the thought you put in this and I like the idea of the project
Mirkamid 👏 a Middle School Student
Really awesome design! It was really entertaining too! I liked the style of your slides design, it looked very very appealing to the audience. GREAT JPB!
Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.