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“Chef- A Kitchen App”

Creators: Emiliano, Wemelys, Carolin, Angel and Abel
High School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) @ Bronx International High School
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About this Project:

The American community is a great community, with many things to learn about the cultures or food of other countries. In order for you to discover new food from different countries, we offer you this application which will be very helpful for your doubts and curiosities.

We brainstormed about finding an application that is very useful and helpful for American citizens. At first it was only about recipes from a specific country but we wanted it to be about various cultures and countries to have more variety of recipes.

Our project is based on specific different food recipes from different countries, to enact acceptance and curiosity about different cultures and foods. It is an application that seeks to help people or a group of people who want to learn and discover certain and different foods and help prepare them. It will be helpful as they will learn about new seasonings and what is used to give different flavors to food.

Project Media


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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Adjunct Professor, Computer Science and Information Systems at University of the Potomac — Emoti-Con Judge
This is a great food app. It gives people a chance to try the foods of different countries, which to me is a good thing.

👏 Lead Software Engineer at ADP — Emoti-Con Judge
Hi Emiliano, Wemelys, Carolin, Angel and Abel!
This is an amazing idea!! As someone who loves cooking myself, it's always difficult to try to expand my list of recipes to try making things from different countries. I would love to have an app that let me easily find new and easy things to cook from different countries to both learn about their cultures and have some delicious food (depending on my cooking skills).

👏 Director of Learning Design at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
Great work! I love how you showed your thought process in your pitch, and I think the User Interface design of this project is really nice! I would definitely use an app like this. Keep up the great work!

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.