Creators: Samantha, Mckenzy, and Miley
Middle School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) at the Young Women's Leadership School of Astoria

About this Project:
Bonita is an app where survivors can talk to other sexual assault survivors and let them share their stories.
We want our app to support victims and let them know that they have a safe space to share and talk. Our app is meant to encourage people to come forward and inspire others with their strength. Bonita is open to all users who want to learn, inform, and speak. Sexual Assault victims are usually told “it’s your fault” or “what were you wearing?” Two out of three cases of sexual assault go unreported. As women who go to an all-girls school, we want women to learn that it is not their fault and should never blame themselves.
We want our app to support victims and let them know that they have a safe space to share and talk. Our app is meant to encourage people to come forward and inspire others with their strength. Bonita is open to all users who want to learn, inform, and speak. Sexual Assault victims are usually told “it’s your fault” or “what were you wearing?” Two out of three cases of sexual assault go unreported. As women who go to an all-girls school, we want women to learn that it is not their fault and should never blame themselves.
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Community Feedback:
Great Design
Makes Me Think
Feedback from the Judges:
well dones TWYLS! Your project is thoughtful, empathetic, and well-designed. Sadly you are absolute correct that victims of sexual assault suffer isolation and fear stigmatization. Your app creates a safe and resourced space for victims to be in community, support one another and seek the help they need. Your presentation was clear and powerful. Your passion for this community is admirable. You did your school proud with this project! I hope you have a chance to bring it to the public!
One question I had is how would you ensure privacy and identity security so participants are protected.
Keep up the great work! You ladies give me HOPE for our future.
One question I had is how would you ensure privacy and identity security so participants are protected.
Keep up the great work! You ladies give me HOPE for our future.
Having a support network is vital for individuals impacted by sexual assault. Since many people can't safely go an in-person support group, creating a virtual space is the next best thing. I appreciate your thoughtfulness with designing the features and colors of the app. One thing to think about is perhaps having a "hide button", that puts a facade on the app (check out https://www.safehorizon.org to see their Quick Exit Button). Perhaps a hide button could instantly make it look like your app is just a game app – this would help individuals who are still within close proximity of their abusers. You've thought about a group of people who need to be heard and need support, and come up with a solution to reach them. Great job all around.
This is a very important topic and you clearly put a lot of thoughtful work into the design! You did a great job pitching your app - it was very clear and told the story of why how and why you designed the app very well. I appreciate the thought you put into the color palette, and your ideas for next steps, like collaborating with therapists, Headspace, or other mental health resources to create sexual assault survivor specific tools is really smart!
Keep up the fantastic work! I hope you will be the people designing the tools of the future!
Keep up the fantastic work! I hope you will be the people designing the tools of the future!
The team thoroughly researched a significant problem in the global community and demonstrated their knowledge on the subject by designing an app to address a key gap. This type of app would be very impactful with sexual assault survivors, providing them with a safe space and community. The team pitched their idea well, and I would have loved to learn more about their design process. Great work overall!
I am so impressed with your work! You daringly chose a sensitive area and executed with empathy and thoughtfulness. The design of the app itself is very user friendly and and has comprehensive features, allowing for different users to engage with the product how is best suited to their needs. It's inspiring to see technology used to create community, safety, and connection amongst survivors.
Feedback from the Community:
amra 👏 a High School Student from new york
you guys really did good job on this project and you add pictures
Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.