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“Better Bots”

Finalist: Most Social Impact
Creators: Joslyn, Queenie, Riley, Ariana, and Amaya
Middle School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) @ IS 27 Anning S. Prall
Better Bots

About this Project:

Problem: Pollution

Solution: Better Bots

We plan on creating robots that have many different abilities.

These robots will,

-Reduce the pollution on our earth, picking up trash piece by piece.

-Have the ability to talk to citizens and assist them throughout the day, for example, (if they’re lost and are in need of help.)

-Have different wheel settings which allow them to go through different terrains, such as snow, grass and other extreme weather conditions, allowing them to clean to their fullest potential.

-Have motion sensors to avoid running into living things.

-Be global and can speak different languages.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Program Manager at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
I absolutely loved reviewing this project! I really enjoyed the approach to your slides; relating the issue to your audience consistently but not overbearing, was a great touch. You did a very good job at detailing your thinking from start to finish, and you came up with some great features for the robots, all of which I appreciated. I can tell you had your brand identity in mind already when creating the presentation, it all fit really well together and was very visually soothing. AMAZING JOB !!!

👏 Adjunct Professor, Computer Science and Information Systems at University of the Potomac — Emoti-Con Judge
This is a good idea and should be explored as long as it is inclusive of all persons.

👏 Senior UX Designer at ADP — Emoti-Con Judge
The presentation looks so professional. Well done to the team on the great design thinking presentation with giving the clear context on the problems and the solution. I thoroughly enjoyed going through the presentation which clearly answers all my questions and had a great impact on society. Thank you for a great learning experience through your well-defined presentation and for making me think about how one can segregate trash in different compartments. The only concern would be on the cost of the implementation of this idea so if that's considered then I believe this could change the world and make it much cleaner! LOVE THIS IDEA!

👏 Engineer at Engineering — Emoti-Con Judge
You have really considered the design of these robots! I love that you are looking at navigating different terrain and interacting in a friendly and no-threatening way with the public. You've thought about sensors to avoid obstacles and living things. In a world where we have robots to vacuum floors, robots to mop floors with water, robots to wander supermarkets, robots to deliver food at airports... you have come up with a brilliant proposal to have one robot pick up AND SORT any trash that it finds. This multi-waste collecting bot will surely be useful both in keeping our environment trash free, and also in providing easy recycling of the pickup! I liked your idea.

Feedback from the Community:

Juan 👏 a High School Student
I think this is a really good project I like how in depth you guys were with the topic and hopefully this can help keep our Earth clean and suitable.
Anna 👏 a Teacher and/or Educator
This project was presented in a very organized matter. It included many aspects, showcasing a personal connection to the viewer as well as informing them about pollution. This was definitely one of my favorites I've seen thus far. Great work!
Damien 👏 a Middle School Student
This project is amazing! It really has so much detail and the effect it could have on society is so crucial and it could really just change the world! 10/10
👏 a Middle School Student
This project is amazing! It really has so much detail and the effect it could have on society is so crucial and it could really just change the world! 10/10
Damiena 👏 a Middle School Student
I can tell that this project had so much effort put into it. It also has strong details to help support how this could be evaluated and how it could help society. This project really was just amazing and I think the robots should be considered to be built based off of just the evidence these girls have provided. Absolutely amazing!
Jose 👏 a Middle School Student from Dominican Republic
This a very awesome project and I can really tell the amount of effort they put. Great Job!
Nina 👏 a Middle School Student
I really love this idea! The project is so organized and the features listed are so descriptive!

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.