“Be kind to yourself; A self love comic”

About this Project:
This is a comic that I made regarding self love. I believe it needs to be seen more in media and not looked down upon when some days your aren’t at your best. Personally I’ve been struggling to realize that and this comic was based off something someone said to me and I thought I would make a piece of media from that. It is a short and concise comic where two friends are talking and one feels down in their situation.
The other friend encourages them and reminds them that it’s ok to not be at your best but always to remember that you are worth more and should be kind to yourself when you may not feel the best. I would have worked more on this but due to time restraints I made two pages. If I were to build on the idea I would have let friend 2 (the encourager) say more to friend 1 to help them in their hopeless situation and then build on the idea that treating yourself can be a way of self-love.
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Feedback from the Judges:
It's also a tribute to your storytelling skills that even though the two characters are visually identical (by design, since they're both one person!), the reader never gets confused about who's speaking. That feels obvious because you were careful to make it clear, but it's the kind of thing that's really easy to mess up as an artist if it's already clear in your head and you're not thinking about how the reader will process it. Really nicely done.
Beyond your technical skill here, I also have to applaud the message! It's a wonderful insight that you're sharing here. (Here's a personal note: sometimes when I'm beating myself up about something, my girlfriend says "Don't talk about my boyfriend that way!" and it helps me remember to be as gentle with myself as I'd try to be with a stranger. Your comic made me think of that!)
You have a real future as an artist if it's something you want to pursue. I'd love to see more from you!
Feedback from the Community:
Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.