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“APOCURA - Keep your child safe”

Creators: Conrad, Ari, Christopher, and Michael
Middle School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) @ IS 27 Anning S. Prall

About this Project:

Most parents have the app called “Citizen” and the app called “Life 360”.

  • Life 360 is an app that allows you to track your child wherever they may be. For example, if your child were to go to the park, you would be able to see that on Life 360. However, would you know if your child was in danger?
  • Citizen is an app that shows you crimes, accidents and other crime related or dangerous events happening in your area. It allows users to read updates about ongoing reports, broadcast live video, and also allows you to communicate in comments with other users.

This is where our idea comes in.

What if we were to combine the two apps together?

The app would use the latest reports put out by police and news networks in order to determine whether any of these incidents have happened near you or your child’s area.

The app would show you your child’s location, including how far away they are.

The parent would be able to control the crime notifications the child receives, therefore the child would only get crime notifications if they were close to danger.

If ever in a dangerous situation, instructions as to how to stay safe would be sent to your child’s device.

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Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Senior Engineer at Studio MDHR — Emoti-Con Judge
This is a super-impressive and professional pitch. I'm really struck by how convincingly you make your case (great use of statistics to strengthen your argument!) and how organized and polished your slides are. Parents being able to control which notifications their children receive is a really thoughtful touch. Being careful not to expose kids to potentially traumatic stuff is a sign that you're really approaching this from a human perspective, not with a kind of top-down "let's just solve the problem with tech" over-simplification. I also appreciate your note about data privacy. Great job!

👏 Instructional Design Manager at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
WOW! Amazing work. I was super impressed with how much research and thought you put behind this idea. You considered convenience of the user with needing fewer apps to get the same job done and a parent's peace of mind. Very well done!

👏 Adjunct Professor, Computer Science and Information Systems at University of the Potomac — Emoti-Con Judge
Great application; I am looking to hearing more from these young people in the future; outstanding work indeed. I won't say what has already been said, but I would want you to consider a lockout mode that will protect the child if someone tries to clone the phone.

👏 Software Engineer at AWS — Emoti-Con Judge
This is fantastic work. By combining existing ideas, and then taking it one step further, you've designed something that has the potential to *save lives*. From the inception of the project you're already incorporating elements of data-driven design, by putting research into understanding how crime effects our city today. This easily translates to metrics you could use to quantify the effectiveness of the app if it were developed (e.g. "Are users less likely to be victims of crime?"). I'm impressed that you also thought about app security and user privacy (What might happen if a third party were able to spy on Apocura users?). It would have been nice to see some more detailed mock-ups of the user experience, and/or visuals from Citizen and Life360 to compare against. Overall, very impactful idea and well presented. Great job!

👏 Education Modernization Team Head of Design at Meta — Emoti-Con Judge
While it may be difficult to find a new idea when the world has been crowded by so many apps, your team has found something that really stands out! Keeping young people safe is so important, especially in today’s unfortunately-excessively violent climate. As a designer working at Meta, I can confidently tell you that the statistics you’ve included make this pitch very strong and believable, showing your app’s special market fit. And not to mention your clever company name & icon - always good to add branding! Only feedback I’d have is adding more sketched or mocked-up visuals of the actual app experience to help me better understand how it works. Amazing job!

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.