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“Anxiety Liberator App”

Creators: Joshua, Karis, Yotzin, Kevin, and Ailyn
High School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) at High School for Media and Communications
Anxiety Liberator logo HSMC

About this Project:

Our app is called “Anxiety Liberator”. This is an app that helps teens and adults to cope with depression and anxiety. These issues became ubiquitous among a large percentage of teens and adults around the nation especially during the pandemic.

Our app is designed not only to distract and entertain distressed people by playing anti-stress games and watching funny or relaxation/meditation videos, but also help them to find a qualified mental health specialist assistance online from any location.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Engineer Of Things at Power Home Remodeling — Emoti-Con Judge
This is a great app and would not take much to launch. The team pulled all the resources that someone would need if they were suffering an incident. Just being able to distract yourself with some cute videos or breathing is all some people need. For others the talk to a specialist function is perfect and well thought out.

👏 UX Designer at Freelance — Emoti-Con Judge
You know what I like about this app? It’s simplicity! There’s something really beautiful about answering just one question and getting immediate results. Then the fact that users can choose different media is also nice and engaging. Users will probably want to come back to see the other media.

Kudos for doing the research on this significant and timely topic, it’s a very important part of the design process.

👏 Director of Learning Design at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
I love the visual design of this app! There is a lot of artistry in this app, from the color palette to the illustration. Great job on the UX/UI! It seems simple to use, and like it would be a genuinely helpful and fun app for people who need distraction or a little boost of happiness. I also think you did a great job communicating why you made this app in your slide deck, but showing your research.
Really great work! Keep it up!

👏 Virtual Teacher at Bronx Excellence Charter — Emoti-Con Judge
Excellent work, Team KKAYJAM! Your concept pitch was very targeted and grounded in deep research in response to recent challenges from the pandemic. I was specifically drawn to the various resources for combating depression and anxiety that are self-directed (such as yoga, hand movements, and animal videos) all AD free this provides for a greater user ability and appeal. I hope you will continue to develop and turn this great idea into reality!

Feedback from the Community:

Nyara 👏 a Middle School Student
I like how this app design taught me somethings about anxiety that i didn't know, also this was about teens and adults but kids can also experience those type of problems.
John 👏 a High School Student from BASE
This is a great app that will help people with anxiety and depression

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.