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Finalist: Most Social Impact
Creators: Sophia, Jomari, Quenessa, Abigail, and Jovayah
Middle School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) @ IS 171 Abraham Lincoln

About this Project:

What is the main purpose of the app?

The main purpose of this app is where you can talk to people about your problems and what you are going through. If you are going through anxiety, depression, and any sort of trauma, you will be able to speak on here without being judged and ashamed.

How will the app work?

How will users interact with the app: Well in the fifth slide it shows how they set a day Monday-Friday for the therapy sessions or to talk to someone online in the app and sign up. When you sign up, you either can text or call based on what you are comfortable with. There will also be a team of five that will be talking with you. Each one has a specific thing that they work with.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Computer Science Graduate at Queens College — Emoti-Con Judge
The design thinking behind this project was outstanding, the wireframes were highly impressive.The students clearly explained the functionality behind the app and each function had purpose.This app idea can make a major impact in the world and I highly recommend and encourage for this app to be created!

👏 Head of Experience Design, Digital Channels at Verizon — Emoti-Con Judge
First, I want to celebrate this team for the process & iteration they went through in creating this great concept and presentation! Assigning different roles across the team is a great way to support individual interests and growth while sharing the workload to get something big done. And even with these roles, you're all coming together as a team to sketch, iterate, and bring diverse perspectives to the table.
Second, the concept is smart. While it reminds me of some app-based therapy apps in the market, what I love about this concept is how it goes beyond the logistics of talking to someone and setting appointments, and tries to take care of the person visiting the app by helping them feel welcomed, valued, appreciated, and seen. That can go a long way. Great copywriting!

👏 Creative Director at Godling Studio — Emoti-Con Judge
This concept definitely touches on a very pressing need in today's world! While a handful of apps exist to tackle this sort of thing (connecting a person in need with a therapist), it's cool to see something that has a very clean and easy sign up process, and a very simple function. When someone is feeling anxious, depressed, or any other sort of mental health issue, an app can also contribute additionally to their stress by being overwhelming. By making the app functionally easy to use, you are directly allowing for people to connect and get better. Removing the barriers between those who have a problem and those who have a solution (your app) is key in sensitive situations like this especially. Good work!

👏 Creative Lead Experience Design at Publicis Sapient — Emoti-Con Judge
This team has done a wonderful job of presenting how the A.A.D. app provides a welcoming and safe-space for young adults to share what they're experiencing or going through, either through messaging or speaking to a live specialist. The video was a great approach to storytelling! The team has shown how the app can help solve real-world problems. Through a nicely presented case study, the team is successful in demonstrating their co-creation and collaboration process to bring the A.A.D. app concept together!

As as a learning moment for this team, my suggestion would be to try creating some additional wireframes - to help figure out what other screens might be needed for a person to interact and use this app or to find useful information. It might help bring the team one-step-closer to making A.A.D. a real-app! Great job everyone!

Feedback from the Community:

Heavenly 👏 a Middle School Student
I love how this can help others feel comfortable talking with other people without being judged.
Elijah 👏 a Middle School Student from I. From Nyc Brooklyn
I think this would really help people with anxiety and make them have a better day.
Isatou 👏 a Middle School Student
I loved this and I think this app will be great for the new generations and it will make people happy!
👏 a Middle School Student
This game is so great u need a really good job
Tristan 👏 a Middle School Student
This game is great keep it up your doing a good job
Gabriella 👏 a Middle School Student
I really like this project because it helps all genders no matter the age and connects to their problems.
Gabriella 👏 a Middle School Student
I like this app because it connects to everybody and connects to their problems no matter their age.
Ceani 👏 a Middle School Student
This app is amazing and it could really help if someone is going through a type of stage, I also like how it could be made for pre-teens and older without any people judging them for what their going through
Willie 👏 a Middle School Student from Milky Way Earth America (not Australia) Brooklyn New York school I.S 171
Hmmmm. Good idea I like how the design looks and the goal is amazing. I think if this was a app it would blow up, mostly because there are a lot of people that have mental illness or have had a rough childhood. 90/100 could be better but over all pretty good this is extremely impressive.

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.