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“3D Drug Shooter”

Creators: Juan and John
High School Students from Games for Change @ Thomas A. Edison CTE High School
Game image

About this Project:

We discussed different issues we had going on around the world, so we decided to tackle drug abuse, one of the most common issues occurring around us. Most people might not know that this could be happening around them because drug addiction doesn't always have physical signs, it's more of a mental problem. We decided to make a game which is taking place in a drug addict's mind for you to get a better perspective of it. The goal is to try to navigate yourself throughout their mind and try to avoid the drugs flying by and you have the ability to push them away with these little hand lasers.


Go to the website link below and scroll down to the "Our Project" section and click the GREEN FLAG to load the embedded game and play.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 FP&A Associate, Marketing at Vanguard — Emoti-Con Judge
This is a really unique concept! I love the creativity in the idea and the graphics are really awesome in the game! I would've loved to see more of an emphasis on how playing this game would help people see how prevalent drug abuse can be. Great job!

👏 Adjunct Professor, Computer Science and Information Systems at University of the Potomac — Emoti-Con Judge
Good game and I believe it will help some people understand drug addiction.

👏 East Coast - Implementation - Custom Ecommerce at Dutchie — Emoti-Con Judge
Hey Juan and John,

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your thought process and why we should be aware of substance or drug abuse. I liked your video game quite a lot and played it a couple of times. 🙂 I commend you both for highlighting ways in which substance abuse can be prevented and managed.

I think you guys are on the right path, and here's how I think you can even improve your project:
1) What type of people are more likely to abuse drugs and why?
2) Highlight which drugs or substances are harmful, and most likely to be abused. In medicine, drugs are known to cure someone's illness and not all drugs are harmful.
3) Define what the side effects of substance abuse are, socially, and physically.
4) What are treatments for substance abuse?
5) Add a "Help" or "How to Play" controls static in your video game can be a great reminder mid-game.

Thanks for putting this together, great job!

👏 Sr Manager of Curriculum at Girls Who Code — Emoti-Con Judge
Your project tackles a really vital and challenging topic in graceful and accessible way. It is very evident that you both put a ton of thought and work into this game and the process. I was impressed by the way you avoided stigmatizing or judging addiction and drug abuse. One thing I found really compelling about your game is that it’s impossible to push all of the drugs away. I think that this mechanic highlights how difficult and impossible it can feel to avoid drugs and addictive substances. Your aesthetic choices contribute to this feeling as well and overall it makes for a powerful game. I love that you contextualized this game with copious resources for folks who are dealing with addiction or who have loved ones who are. Finally, you did a great job highlighting your design process and prototypes (that mini-game looked so cool too!). Really great work!

Feedback from the Community:

👏 a High School Student
This is a cool concept for a game.
Francis 👏 a Middle School Student from Florida
Great game but i dont know how this will make people think about your topic its for of a mindless game.
Julian 👏 a High School Student from NYC
I think that was an amazing project, top 10 projects for sure. I think these two creators made a wonderful project with nice games that make you feel a secret message, push away drugs!
👏 a High School Student
The game was very fun
Angelina 👏 a High School Student from NYC
The game was cool
👏 a High School Student
such a good concept never seen anything better
👏 a High School Student
This project is fun the game is pretty cool as well.
Alexander 👏 a Middle School Student from Brooklyn N.Y
I like this positive view on a negative thing they show what drugs do to your body and how it damages it great game
Student 👏 a Middle School Student
This game is rlly good keep up the good work👍
Jose 👏 a Middle School Student from Dominican Republic
That game was very enjoyable and fun!
👏 a Middle School Student
This game is so fun i would want to play this everyday
👏 a High School Student
Is an interesting theme

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.